To be eligible to run as an elite in the 2023 MBNA Chester Marathon, you need to have achieved the following times since 1st January 2022:

• Men sub 2:45
• Women sub 3:15

Elites who have run faster than 2:30 (men) 3:00 (women) since 1st January 2022 will qualify for a free place. To apply for an elite place please email Linda with details of your qualifying time and a link to results on the race organiser’s website.

For our elite runners we are offering the following package:

• Front pen for elites at the start of the race

• Pre-race elite athletes area near to the starting line

• Pre race water

• Dedicated toilets by the elites area

• Transfer of baggage from elites area to main baggage storage ready for collection

• Post race buffet in the elites area

All athletes are eligible for our cash prizes.

We are a race organised by runners and are determined to deliver a race which will maintain its reputation as the UK’s favourite marathon.